Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Doing My Thang 1

WOW! I am not the same woman. I am still a nurse interested in homeopathic ways, but I am soooo enthralled with fitness now. So how do I redirect this. I am taking a multitude of fitness classes...cardio kickboxing, zumba, and pole fitness. Yes... I did say pole fitness. I have already entered into a pole fitness competition and won. This year I will enter into another pole fitness competition, because I absolutely LOVE IT! I am feeling great and looking fit. I will post some of the different fitness venues I check out in Atlanta.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

So Much Has Changed

Today is a reminder that I am still under construction. I thank God for his direction and strength given to me to make some very important moves. I am still taking me back, and each day I grow stronger while doing it. Funny thing though.... how people begin to change when they see that you will no longer give yourself completely to them after they have destroyed their position with me. Although I am quite a loyal person, I have learned to refrain from letting people have so much of me. It drains my Spirit... and I refuse to let this happen again. So today I feel a little stronger and closer to knowing and understanding myself better. Flaws and all!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Taking Some More of Me Back

I have given so much of me away that I barely know the person in the mirror, but this is changing... I am taking me back. I realize now that I have occupied the same space with a growing black hole. Therefore, I pray everyday, that GOD guides my steps out of this mess that I have navigated to. I know that GOD has heard my prayers for my spirit seems to grow more each day.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Waiting For The "Go Ahead...."

Today is a beautiful day. Not to hot and a pleasant breeze. I am definitely one lady who hates staying inside the house. I have continued with my online business classes at a snails pace. I will do better. I have also been looking for employment with a company specializing in neonatal services that does exactly or close to what I wish to offer. I have yet to find a single company. Therefore, back to square one. I may have to start this business with the realization that I am on somewhat uncharted territory. I am also seeking employment with a company that may offer some needed experience in future endeavors related to my business. With that said, I do one thing several times a day now, talk to GOD. In the right time, in the right place, waiting for GOD to say "Go Ahead, I will lead you the right way."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Olive Leaf

I decided I would post something that I consider a hobby. I love to research and sometimes personally test alternative therapy/medicines. With that said...

Other than using Airborne, if anyone is thinking of an alternative way to ward off colds along with other bacterial infections, I can actually vouch for this one. Olive Leaf works for preventing colds. I have been the only one to not get sick this past winter, and I think Olive leaf had something to do with it. I purchased olive leaf capsules 150mg 20% oleuropein. After researching, the percentage of oleuropein is more important than the mg taken, and the body can only utilize 20% of oleuropein every 4 hours, however, some research may say 40%.

I began taking Olive leaf at the beginning of December last year. I took 2 capsules daily and sometimes up to 4, when everyone I knew had a cold. I was the only one to not get sick. I actually went throughout winter without catching a cold. I stopped taking olive leaf at the end of March. I personally don't believe in taking anything daily permanently. Not even a vitamin. Just to give my liver a break, and not become addicted to any substance.

I also purchased the loose leaves from a local organic food and herb market, and prepared it as a tea. I did not go by any measuring tools for this. I just put 1-2 leaves/ cup of water and boiled it. I brewed a cup of tea everyday along with taking 2- 4 capsules internally when I felt like my body was given in to susceptibility. I must say that I think the tea preparation works just as good, if not better than the capsules. One warning, olive leaf tea is not like your classic tea. It is an acquired taste.

Not only is Olive Leaf known to be an immune system booster, it is an antibacterial/anti-fungal agent, blood pressure reducer, and blood sugar reducer as well. With that said, I am naturally hypoglycemic and had to made sure to use honey as a sweetener for the tea, because, yes, I did feel the affects of my blood sugar dropping too low. Please be careful with this herb. It works, but if you have low blood sugar, diabetes, hypotension, or even hypertension, please consult your physician first prior to use if need be. Warning, many doctors are truly into Western medicine and tend not to travel outside of this realm. You may want to consult a DO instead of an MD if this is the case. Of course anyone truly knowledgeable practitioner of herbal medicine will be able to elaborate more on the advantages and disadvantages of olive leaf.

I hope this information is helpful to someone.

FYI, I intentionally do not include my sources. I believe that everyone should do their own research before taking any traditional or alternative medicine. This is a hobby! I am a healthcare professional, but I am not a DO, MD, or consultant. Do your research first.

Silver Biotics

Silver Biotics are suppose to be good for killing bacterial and some viral infections, and good for preventing colds and flu. What caught me, upon researching, is that this product hac been tested in Ghana. Since this is the claim presented on the http://www.zhealthinfo.com/silverbiotics.htm website and many others, still a sceptic, I began questioning some of my Ghanaian family and contacts, who are either physicians and/or medical researchers, concerning this product. Come to find out that they have heard of this product and found that it even works for malaria cases. I even found out that the saying "born with a silver spoon in my mouth" may have derived from this element. OK I thought, so I purchased the product.

Of course I will not recommend Silver Biotics until I have found the claims to be true. I have already began using it on my skin. I refuse to take anything internally until I do a test patch. I used it on my leg for a week, increasing area coverage each day, and amazingly, the irritation I got from shaving daily stopped, only on the tested area. Last week I tried Silver Biotics on my face, rubbing a particular area, and again, that area cleared as well. Now I use it daily after washing my face to prevent breakouts.

I have only been using this product for 2 weeks and externally. This week I will take it internally and see what happens. I am healthy and do not have a cold or flu symptoms, but if I do I will began taking this product to see what happens.

OK. I held off completing this entry until I finished trying Silver Biotics 10ppm Silver internally. I have twice fought cold/flu like symptoms twice. My symptoms were general malaise, cold and hot flashes, sore throat, and occasional runny nose, without fever. I took 2 tsp daily while the symptoms persisted. The symptoms both times disappeared after taking this dosage for two days. On the 3rd day I just took 1 tsp, and completely stopped on the 4th day. There were no side effects from taking this product. So to make it short, I believe this product, Silver Biotics, works. An 8 oz bottle of Silver Biotics is about 25.00 at GNC, but you can get 16oz for the same amount on http://www.luckyvitamin.com/. Hope this was helpful.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Short and Sweet...Then again Just Short!

I love my life, but I do not want to develop Alien Hand Syndrome and end up on any future episodes of Snapped. Gotta tap in... Gotta stay focused!

Ok. Maybe TMI. Enough said!